Computer Services

Supporting your technological needs. 

Support for information technology is strong across the campus. Computer technicians are available to assist students, staff, and faculty with issues arising from utilizing campus computer technology.

Below you will find information to most commonly asked questions.

Service requests

Computer services takes all issues seriously and works diligently to resolve submissions in the most timely manner possible. Please refer to the following submission guidelines to ensure your issue is handled in the most efficient way possible:

Student Issues
Students with academic related issues or questions concerning application of coursework in the computer labs are directed to contact their instructor first; your instructor can evaluate your curriculum concerns and will contact computer services if necessary. Note: Computer services cannot assist you with your coursework, if you require coursework assistance, contact the tutorial center in the Library & Learning Center to schedule time with a tutor.

Faculty and Staff Issues
When possible, submit your issue via email to computer services, include all pertinent information and (when applicable) steps necessary to duplicate the issue and any steps already taken to resolve the issue.
Note: Computer services does not maintain stock of toner cartridges or other computer-related office supplies; each office is solely responsible for their own supplies.

Wireless access

The university offers wireless internet access to students, faculty and staff; in order to access the wireless network, you must register your wireless device with computer services. (Your wireless device must support 802.11b or 802.11g.)

To register, submit your student or employee ID number (as appropriate) and the MAC address of the wireless device you wish to use on the university network to computer services. Alternatively, you may submit the required information to any university receptionist, who will forward the information to computer services on your behalf.

Refer to the documentation or consult with the manufacturer/reseller for specific instructions on how to locate the MAC address for your particular wireless device; Computer Services cannot directly assist due to liability constraints.


Vendor list and RPF policy

Computer services works with a set of known vendors; however, certain projects allow for an open bid period. When active, open bid periods will be listed on the university’s request for proposal (RFP) webpage. Qualified companies are welcome to submit a bid that meets the RFP requirements directly to the listed project manager. Computer services does not accept unsolicited calls from vendors.

Note: Vendors and/or their affiliates do not have permission to subscribe Computer Service personnel to receive electronic mail; vendors/affiliates who do not respect this policy may be blocked from sending electronic mail to recipients at Humphreys University domains at the discretion of the System Administrator.

Email accounts

Registered students are issued an email account to ensure vital communication to and from the University can take place. There are several ways to access your email account, but the fastest is:

  1. Open your favorite web browser and enter “” in the address bar.
  2. Your username is your University ID followed by “@Student”.  Your Humphreys University ID is a nine-digit alphanumeric string beginning with “HC” and ending with your student number, with zeroes in-between. For instance, if your ID is HC0012345, your email will be “HC0012345@Student”.
  3. Your password is your full eight-digit birthdate, arranged “MMDDYYYY”.
  4. Click “Login”.

Note: If you are a continuing student, you can easily find your ID number on a recent report card or on your Student Body Card; otherwise, contact the Office of the Registrar at (209) 235-2902.


Email forwarding

Optionally, you may forward your Humphreys email to another email address at home or work using the following steps—keep in mind, if you frequently change email addresses, forwarding is not for you.

Log in to:

Note: By default, when forwarding to another email address, a local copy is not retained; check the “Keep a copy in mailbox.” box to retain a local copy of forwarded emails.

Email filtering standards

The university employs rigorous methods to ensure that emails from non-university senders meet recognized and accepted network and university standards. Emails that do not meet these standards are given an additive ranking based on each deviation from accepted standards. Once a set level of deviation is reached, the email will be refused with a SMTP code 550.

Trusted senders list

Those with a university email may submit email addresses of senders they trust in a single-column list via email. Submissions will be reviewed for possible inclusion in the trusted senders list; emails from senders on the trusted senders list are subject only to basic filtering standards — including but not limited to anti-virus, RFC 822 and RFC 2822.


The college does not currently offer internship opportunities with computer services, please contact your program coordinator or academic counselor for alternatives.

Meet the Computer Services Team

Amit Kumar

Tite: IT Technician
Stockton & Modesto
Phone: (209) 235-2999

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